I was introduced to TeachMeets by Matt Esterman in 2014 when he asked for presenters for the first TeachMeet at EduTECH. I had never heard of TeachMeets, and knew nothing about it. Initial research and discussions on Twitter quickly opened my world. I came to the TeachMeet very nervously, not knowing quite what to expect, but soon my life was changed. I connected with educators from all over Australia, and even Ewan McIntosh did a presentation and many others that I had interacted with online. Sitting there listening to teachers sharing what they do, their passions, their ideas, and all in short 7-minute sessions was incredible. My own session was a blur, I spoke about how I have used Evernote to create a hybrid class site and make my classroom paperless. I heard Simon McKenzie, a Twitter #histedchat friend, talk on his Ancient history class project, and developed my own take on his project later that year to great success. Simon Crook shared a line that I still remember, "Engage me or Enrage me" with regards to meetings.
From this first initial TeachMeet I launched TeachMeets in my region, and they have grown over the past two years where others are also starting them up to help extend our teaching networks and help everyone grow. TeachMeets really provide a wonderful platform where teachers can share and connect, and it has truely opened my world.
Register yours here: http://bit.ly/teachmeet10
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