Friday, 13 February 2015

L - Leadership #28daysofwriting Day 13


I have always been involved in some form of leadership, whether being the leader or being a member of the leadership team. I have captained rugby union teams, cricket teams, been junior school captain, prefect, elected to leadership body at university and many other occasions. As well as work wise I have been involved in decision making to an extent, or helped the leader in supporting discussions. I'm by no means a great leader, or an accomplished leader; but I'm learning and constantly refining what are some of the key areas I would like to be as a leader. These are also the skills that I hope my school leaders would display, and that all school leaders would display.

My Leadership Skills Top Ten

  1. Communication & Ability to Build partnerships with school community
  2. High Expectations for students and staff
  3. Innovative with projects, ideas and opportunities for school
  4. A sense of Purpose and Confidence in Decisions
  5. Fairness & Respect 
  6. Trustworthiness
  7. Balance of emotions
  8. Empowerment of teachers and students
  9. Courageous and willing to challenge the status quo
  10. Future-orientated, embracing new ideas, technology and Always Learning
Just 10 on this list, but they are very complex and would probably require lengthy discussions for each one. An idea for future blog posts to focus on leadership skills/traits we would all like our school leaders to possess.

Bonus: My Twitter Recommendations- Letter L
These educators have been part of my PLN for some time and it is fantastic to be able to connect with them, share ideas, be challenged and learn from one another.

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